Princeton Education Society

Welcome to PES!

Hello! We are the Princeton Education Society (PES), founded in 2023. Our organization is open to all Princeton undergraduates interested in the field of education. Whether you are curious about education policy or an educational career, we are the organization for you!

Our Organization

PES has both a preparatory (career-related) and productive (research and service-based) function.

The preparatory function seeks to:

  • Bring Princeton undergraduates interested in careers in education (in primary and secondary schools, academia and research, non-profits, government, etc.) in contact with relevant alumni and other accessible professionals
  • Provide support for Princeton undergraduates planning graduate school and professional pathways related to education

The productive function seeks to:

  • Foster discussion on educational research from a variety of fields which use many different methods
  • Engage with local and national educational issues
  • Collaborate with Princeton educational service organizations
  • Evaluate the pedagogy practiced at Princeton

Guiding our organization are our four officers, who follow the PES Constitution as approved by the Undergraduate Student Government Student Groups Recognition Committee.

Our Members

Per our mission, our members are not only those interested in a career in teaching. Of the many occupational aspirations of our members, some pertain to:

  • Educational administration
  • Educational non-profits
  • The U.S. Department of Education
  • Academia and higher education
  • Education law

Membership in PES is non-selective and non-binding. In general, there is no formal time commitment, but if you are engaged in productive function work or service (a planned service project, regular group discussions, etc.), we ask that you adhere to your coordinator’s schedule.

Beyond the preparatory and productive functions of PES, our organization seeks to create a space for students of similar interests to gather as a community. We aim to provide food and/or drink on a regular basis at our meetings and dedicated study breaks.


Follow us on Instagram!

For any questions, please contact Secretary Dashram Pai ’26 at